Ich hatte immer gehofft, dass es irgendwann mal einen gemeinsamen Song von Kate und David Bowie geben würde. Bowie und Kate das hätte gepasst, zwei exzentrische, eigenwillige, ideenreiche Musiker, die sich immer wieder neu erfinden. Und die in ihrer Karriere immer wieder Berührungspunkte gehabt haben. Via Lindsay Kemp als beider Lehrmeister oder später bei Charity-Aktionen. Es sollte nicht sein. Kate hat sich 2007 in einem Beitrag für die englische Musikzeitschrift Mojo über Bowie geäußert:
„I was sitting in my bath, submerged in bubbles, listening to Radio Luxembourg when I heard David Bowie for the first time, „There’s a starman waiting in the sky.“ I thought it was such an interesting song and that he had a really unusual voice. Soon I was to hear that track everywhere, and Bowie’s music became a part of my life.
Was it Bo-Wie, Bowie or B’Wee? Everything about him was intriguing. When I saw him on Top of The Pops, he was almost insect-like, his clothing was theatrical and bizarre; was that a dress? No one was sure, but my conclusion was that he was quite beautiful. His picture found itself on my bedroom wall next to the sacred space reserved solely for my greatest love – Elton John.
A fantastic songwriter with a voice to match, Bowie had everything. He was just the right amount of weird, obviously intelligent and, of course, very sexy. Ziggy played guitar. And I was there to see his last show as Ziggy Stardust with The Spiders from Mars. The atmosphere was just so charged that at the end, when he cried, we all cried with him.
Working at Abbey Road Studios some years later, I popped in to see a friend on another session…I was stopped in my tracks. Standing elegantly poised behind the console was David Bowie. He was lit from above and smoking a cigarette. He said, „Hello Kate.“ I froze on the spot and said, „Er…Hello,“ and then left the room, caught my breath outside the door and didn’t dare to go back in again. We’ve met many times since then and I don’t have to leave the room any more…or do I?
He’s made all the right moves, each album exploring a new sound, a new way of looking at things, experimental and brave. Starring in The Man Who Fell to Earth made him a successful actor as well. His introduction to the Snowman animation, although brief, made the film more poignant, as if the whole thing somehow belonged to him. I just loved his hilarious Extras cameo, and the quirky Tesla in The Prestige. He is the quintessential artist, always different and ever surprising, an inspiration for us all.“
Update: Die englische Zeitung The Guardian hat am 17. Januar eine Würdigung von Kate zum Tod von David Bowie veröffentlicht:
David Bowie had everything. He was intelligent, imaginative, brave, charismatic, cool, sexy and truly inspirational both visually and musically. He created such staggeringly brilliant work, yes, but so much of it and it was so good. There are great people who make great work but who else has left a mark like his? No one like him.
I’m struck by how the whole country has been flung into mourning and shock. Shock, because someone who had already transcended into immortality could actually die. He was ours. Wonderfully eccentric in a way that only an Englishman could be.
Whatever journey his beautiful soul is now on, I hope he can somehow feel how much we all miss him.
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